Jagged Edge

- No, this one's different.
- How is it different?

It's the same kind of knife, but...
...this one here is all scratched up
on the sides and the handle's all worn.

If this knifewas brand new and
hadn't been used for a year and a half...

...would it look like the knife you saw?
Could it have been the knife you saw?
It is possible?
Jesus Christ, I don't know! It's possible!
Your Honour, I'd like this knife marked...
...and admitted into evidence
as "Defence Exhibit B."

Your witness.
- Mr. Fabrizi...
- What the hell are you going to ask me?

I told her, it looks different. I don't know.
lfitwas brand new, sure!
It's possible it's the one I seen.

I don't know how I could've mistaken
the locker numbers.

No questions.
Thank you, Mr. Fabrizi. That's all.
We'll adjourn and reconvene again
tomorrow morning at 9:00.

- Can I talk to you?
- There's nothing to talk about.

I tried calling you all weekend.
I went over to your place.

You still think I'm guilty?
How can you defend me
if you think I'm guilty?

It happens all the time.
It's theway our legal system works.

I bet you're a cold fuck.
What do you want, Mr. Slade?
You really think you're something,
don't you?

You twist everything around, don't you?
