We stand in recess.
I'm proud of you!
I'd like to say something, please.
I'd like to say something, please.
Four years ago, I resigned my job
as an assistant district attorney.
I'd like to tell you why.
I prosecuted a casewith Mr. Krasny.
Itwas a very newsworthy case.
The kind of case thatwins elections,
makes careers.
We convicted the man and hewent to jail.
A week aftr the trial, I discovered...
...that during the trial...
...one of our investigators
had come up with evidence...
...which would have exonerated
the man wewere prosecuting...
...and that Mr. Krasny
had buried that evidence.
Although I found...
I didn't do anything.
I didn't tell anyone.
I let that man...
He hanged himselfin prison.
I will have to learn to livewith that...
The People versus Henry Styles...
...Case Number 26022.