Feeling the chill of the
bayonet in his back, Moreira..."
Well done, Chirino!
No! Just a moment! "Moreira fires
his pistol at the sergeant."
No, sir, No!
Yes! He's only a cop!
"Moreira is badly hurt!
Vincenta appears left front stage."
Who plays Vincenta?
Cullen! Come on Cullen!
Cullen is a faggot! Cullen's a faggot.
"Make way, cowards!"
- You brute!
- Cowards
"Seeing him, she flings herself
on him, overcome by grief."
"A dist ant voice, announcing
his death, sings these verses:
"I'm staking all my luck...
on my lasso, because a love
that is born Creole...
is not repelled by death."
Because a weather-beaten
and sturdy gaucho...
Because a weather-beaten
and sturdy gaucho...
Good morning.