They stormed in, threw
a sweater over my head...
and destroyed everything.
They took me in a car
with their feet on me.
I was hit with a rifle butt.
I awoke naked on a table.
They began torturing me.
At some point someone
examined me with a stethoscope.
He told them to stop.
I'm not sure if it was that day.
I lost almost all sense of time.
I felt something inside me was broken.
I don't know if it can be fix ed.
I still wake up feeling
I'm being drowned.
I hang there and they shove
my head into a pail of water.
After7 years I'm still drowning.
When I got out of there...
They said I'd been there for36 days.
I had lost 27 pounds and
I'd undergone all their treatment.
At first...
I was spared being raped.
You know why?
Because one guy, the only
one whose face I saw...
he smiled and said...
"I'm going to keep you for my self."