Then, I always heard his voice
when he came by...
to ask if they'd kept me for him.
I'm still terrified I'll hear his voice
on the street, in the subway.
But why? Why did they do that to you?
At first they asked about Pedro.
I told them the truth.
I hadn't seen him in 2 years.
And they asked again.
And I told them again,
"Not in 2 years".
And again they asked.
Again I told them, and I got
electric prodding and drowning.
What had Pedro done?
Pedro was very involved.
Maybe he was already dead
when they questioned me.
Did you report it?
What a good idea!
It hadn't occurred to me!
To whom would I have reported it?
If you hadn't done anything.
What do you mean "to whom"?
That place was so full.
Oft en I didn't know if the cries
were mine or someone else's.