You scared me!
To bed. Let's go.
Many of Moreno's writings
exemplify his republican spirit.
For instance, his decree for
suppressing honors, which he...
issued after December fifth
when a seemingly drunk officer...
whose name I don't remember.
Never mind. Continue.
This officer... The t ext book
only says that he...
"excessively praised Saavedra."
I think he called him
"Emperor" or something.
Anyhow, he gave him titles
that weren't democratic.
What does it say about honors?
They were suspended.
Of course. Do you remember
Moreno's words?
- Does anyone remember?
- I do, Ma'am.
He said the only distinctions
among Junta members are...
those based on where
they happen to sit.
He also says, in that document,
"no inhabitant of Buenos Aires...
drunk or asleep, may speak
against his country's liberties."
Very good, Duran.
Does anyone remember
other writings...
by Moreno, illustrating
his republican feelings?
I do!
Well... I do.
There was an article by him
about freedom of the press.
Your name?
Why don't you stand up
and tell us about it?