I always feel badly
on this particular day.
Won't we ever tell her the truth?
You realize, we celebrate our day,
not hers.
We celebrate the day
you brought her home.
We celebrate the day we inscribed her.
That's her birthday.
"Because they were
conceived without freedom...
the absurdities of our fathers,
ingrained by time and custom...
will continue to be respect ed.
Let us for once, not follow
our outdated opinions.
By not being selfish,
may we know the truth."
Wait, idiot, let's see how
it ends. Listen, Horacio!
"Truth, like virtue, contains
its own rewards.
Discussing and revealing it,
bring out it s shining splendor."
Look, dummy, he writes:
"If restrictions are imp...
If restrictions are imposed on
speech, the soul will vegetate...
like matter..."
Sit down!
"And the lies, the worries,
the bigotry and ignorance..."
Take that away!
I won't ask who did it, because...
you all saw it.
"And ignorance..."
You'll all pay for those
who play such pranks.
"Provoking division among people
and causing...
their continued abasement,
misery and ruin."
You'll know better next time.
"Mariano Moreno, Le Gaceta,
Buenos Aires, June 12, 1810."
What if you were
to be late somewhere?
To have coffee with me, for instance.
I'm sorry, Benitez, I'm in
a hurry. I'm due downtown.