There are strange forces
at work in your life.
Magical ones that surround you.
I dont understand them,
but they frighten me.
You have given me my life.
The truth is, I can never repay you.
I have no honor, and never will have.
I dont think that youd kill
me for being what I am.
But, better that then
to return to Aquila.
Ill gather some
wood for the fire.
- Got you.
- Miss?
My lady, up here.
Oh, damn.
Do you remember me?
What are you doing up there?
What am I doing? Well, yes,
you might ask that.
The Bishops guards.
A dozen of them,
we had a terrible fight.
- Why didnt they kill you.
- Why didnt they?..
Its a good question,
I asked them that myself.
- And?..
- And?
And what did they say?
They said that... that they prefer
to leave that honor to the Bishop.
Theyre coming back.
- They are, are they?
- Please, my lady?
A giant owl examined me
closely not one minute ago.