Youll be all right.
You will be fine.
Youll live.
Take her, find help.
- Me, sir?
- Youre the only one I have.
- But sir, the hawk is done for.
- Dont you say that!
Follow this road. Youll find
a ruined castle.
Theres a monk named Imperious. Give
him the hawk. He will know what to do.
- Sir, I dont think you understand...
- Get on my horse!
Youre the only one who can ride him.
You will do as I tell you!
Get on my horse, now!
And know this...
if you fail, I will follow
you the length of my days.
And I will find you.
Come on, go.
There it is, see? The castle.
Well be there soon.
Ah! Well, well, thats
gratitude for you!
All right, let this Imperious watch you die.
Ive got my own life to look after!