-Think what to do!
Now. . .the dynamite is connected
to the timing device. . .
. . .which is connected to the switch,
which I can't find. . .
. . .which is connected to the. . .
. . .battery.
-I'll disconnect the battery!
-I wouldn't do that.
Who you?
-Me Max.
-You smart.
That's my vehicle.
How much?
No trade. Do!
Me order. Me Master!
Me run Bartertown!
That's why you live in shit.
Not shit! Energy!
Call it what you like,
it still smells like shit.
Not shit! Energy!
No energy, no town!
Me King Arab!
Sure. Me, fairy princess.
Embargo, on!
Embargo on! Main valve off!
Four, three, two. . . .
For God's sake, what now?
Who run Bartertown?
Damn it!
I told you, no more embargos.
More, Blaster.