Why are you calling me?
It's the only case we never solved
in our whole career.
It's your career, Blue Eyes.
I resigned two years ago.
You're not getting me back
until they give me permission...
to use my fists on bad guys.
I've got no time for Boy Scouts.
Listen, about Garret.
After he left jail,
he got in touch with someone in Miami.
He's on his way down there
this very minute.
Yeah? I got news for you.
Ten of my students are having tests
in the air next week...
and you're trying to tell me
about an old robbery.
Robbery? The robbery. $20 million, Steve.
Even if it was $200 million,
my students' tests still come first.
Come on, Steve.
Garret's on flight Eastern 181.
He'll land in 45 minutes.
That'll give you enough time
to get there and trail him. I thought--
You thought wrong! Over and out.