Miami Supercops

As long as you don't get in the way
of my boys.

I want the Bureau to work on it,
but with the agents of my choice.

-Who do you have in mind?
-Doug Bennet and Steve Forrest.

I don't know the names.
They're with the New York office.
Class agents.

A long time ago, when I was up north,
they were on the police force with me.

To be exact,
they're the ones that caught Garret.

What do you want me to do?
Lend me Bennet and Forrest.
They can pass as city cops.

Can do. I'll call the New York office today.
Agent Bennet, the Chief wants you
in his office on the double.

You wanted to see me, sir?
You interested in handling the Garret case?
Yes, sir. I had him trailed
from the minute he got out of jail.

And naturally, you asked for help
from your old buddy Forrest.

But because he's still upset,
he turned you down.

You got it, sir.
-In the meantime, they killed Garret.

Which leads us to believe that
his accomplice and $20 million...

is somewhere in the Miami area.
Your assignment is to fly to Tampa.
Convince Forrest to work with you.

You'll be taking orders
from your old acquaintance...

Capt. Tanney of the Hialeah Police.
All right, sir.
By the way,
how are you gonna convince him?

I'll twist his arm a little.
One more step and I'll break your legs.
Hi, Steve. Long time no see.
Let's keep it that way.
What a way to greet your buddy.
