Miami Supercops

I heard what happened and I...
Yes. Very kind of you. Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.

I'm going to miss him so much.
He was so sweet.
His loss is a real tragedy.
Intelligent, sensitive.
Yes, a real loving companion.
That is so true. I wrote it on his tombstone.
He was always so happy.
He jumped and licked and gnawed,
pawed all over the place.

And he was so polite.
-Polite? If you say so.
-He never messed on the carpets.

He'd wait at the back door...
so he could be let out
and do it in the garden.

You've got an outhouse?
Steve, he'll be so happy to see you.
-See me?
-He's coming home early tonight.

Listen, Carol...
I know when these things happen
it comes as a terrible shock...

-but I'm a bit--
-That'll be him. Excuse me.

Hello? Yes, honey.
Not those young hoods again?
It was Doug? Tell him hi from me.
Honey, you'll never guess who's here.
No, it'll be a surprise.
You're going to be late?
Never mind, honey. Bye.
He said he'll be... Steve? Isn't that strange.
