You know, I'm a little sore at you also.
That guy. What's his name?
With all those muscles?
I'll tell you something...
I bet you're here to talk about
that guy Garret in Room 5, right?
Right, you win the bet.
Hey, look here.
He registered under his own name.
Anyone visit him?
-Visit who?
Well, besides the cockroaches, no.
What did he do?
Nothing. Unless you call coming in
and going out...
and coming in again doing something.
You know what I mean?
No, we don't. You wanna tell us?
A guy comes in and checks in, right?
What does he do?
-What did Garret do?
-He goes out, he comes in.
He sleeps, etcetera, etcetera.
It's the "etceteras, etceteras"
that interests us, considering he was killed.
What do you know about him?
-You must know something.
-Not me. Listen here.
-He wasn't killed in this hotel.
-We know that.
-Did he make any calls?
-A bunch of them.
-Are they registered?
-No way.
He used the public phone over there, right?
-Yeah, that's right. How did you know that?
-One of my many talents.
Who did he talk to?
Listen, rule number one
in this business is you never...
never listen to guests' phone calls.
-Come on, get the key. Show us the room.
-Yes, sir, right away.
Pardon me.
This way.
This is Room 5.