Miami Supercops

Let's give him a hand.
-They got you mad, Sitting Bull?
-I didn't need your help.

I know. We need yours.
What were you doing in Garret's room?
Follow me.
I don't like to be seen
talking to Gen. Custer's boys.

By the way, the name's Charro.
Okay, Charro,
what were you doing in Garret's room?

You were in there for 24 hours.
Dismantling and putting things
back together. That's my job.

-What were you looking for?
-$20 million would be a good bet.

All the money in the world
ain't worth a damn compared to a friend.

Very touching.
Go on.
All I found...
was a screwdriver and a hammer.
-Maybe they didn't belong to Garret.

Okay, what's the story
between you and him?

We shared a cell in San Quentin.
He saved my life once.

-To pay him back, you stabbed him?
-No. I read the news in the paper...
