Remember, the witnesses said
that there were three robbers.
Duran's dead. Garret's dead.
Number three is your man.
Yeah, but why would Garret
be looking for a stiff?
It doesn't make sense.
It don't make sense with me, either.
So you handle it, Blue Eyes.
I would've been better off
if I'd stayed with my flying classes.
Three, four, five...
six... It's open.
-I'm early, huh?
No, I always do 100 lifts before dinner.
Builds up my appetite.
Pour yourself a drink. We can eat anytime.
-I'll take a fast shower and be right back.
Smells great. I'm starving.
-If you came here to eat and run--
-Of course not.
I never run on a full stomach.
Listen, Irene...
from the very first moment I saw you--
Don't tell me. You fell in love with me.
Well, that wouldn't be too hard.
No. What I wanted to say is...
from the minute I saw you,
I felt like I'd met you before.
And now I know where:
the Demolition Derby in Tucson last year.