Very nice, young Redl.
Sit down.
Maybe you'll become a great
poet of our motherland.
l haven't heard
such a glorious poem...
about His Majesty
for a long time.
Sir, this is the boy,
Alfred Redl.
l humbly ask
for your support...
to help him enter...
the lmperial and Royal
Cadet School.
Always remember to keep
a straight posture.
We will be
so proud of you.
And we shall never forget
what the Emperor...
has done for us.
How wonderful
it would be...
if you would return
as an officer.
What an honor.
Your grandpa was just
a poor peasant.
And you suddenly
get this honor.
Never forget that the Emperor
made this possible.
Always be grateful.
Up, down, up, down,
up, down...
Hands behind your head!
Jump in place!
Up and in position.
Get ready!
Attack, defense, go!