We must know everything
about everyone.
The smallest town
holds people we need.
lt's up to us entirely
to find them.
Suitable types abound, nearly
everyone is susceptible.
Details of our work
are strictly confidential.
lf you are successful...
you'll be praised by
nobody but me.
Mistakes, nobody will defend
you, the same goes for me.
But we belong to a group...
whose hand is on the pulse
of the Monarchy...
and can make decisions
in its interest.
This trust, after long
and careful consideration...
was lent to you.
Lent, not given.
As hard as it was to gain
this trust...
as easy it is to lose it.
To lose everything.
That's power.
Note everything about
every officer.
Who was he with? Where?
What did they talk about?
How much they spend, what
they like, their passions.
Which officers are
regular customers.
Name, rank and garrison.
Redl, Albert.
Career driven, concerned
only with his own welfare.
Likes to be considered
an aristocrat.
Admires power
and often stresses...
his gratitude
to the Habsburgs.
No contact with
his family...
and sister,
resident in Lemberg.