Oberst Redl

lt's not pleasant for me
to repeat this question...

but Marshall Korad asked me
if you're homosexual.

And if l think it odd...
that even the Archduke
has made inquiries.

What do you say?
They're plotting
against you already.

Unless it's a plot
against me.

They don't dare touch me,
so they starting with you...

because they know
that l'm backing you.

That's the world around you.
Take stock of it.

l've got the impression
you make enemies easily.

Avoid that
whenever possible.

For my sake, too.
You should marry.
That would calm people down.

l'll introduce you to a girl
from a good Viennese family.

Or we'll pack our bags
and go to America.

Should we?
We may face an offensive
in the Balkans.

The Emperor wants peace.
He knows what war would do
to the Monarchy.

Yet he makes bad mistakes.
He puts in key positions...

men who represent
everything he fears.

The Archduke works
openly against him...

and he pretends
not to notice.

When the Emperor dies...
the Monarchy
will fall to pieces.

Look at this here,
from an earlier empire.

What does remain?
Stop that!
That civilian suit is the
greatest lie in your life.
