Otac na sluzbenom putu

- She hasn't a chance.
- The girl?

They're changing her blood.
She won't last long.

Why him?
It serves him right,
having a child at 50.

He lost his country.
Let him at least have a child.

- You know what?
- What?

You're a bullshitter.
I just thought...
If you'd been thinking,
you wouldn't be here.

I never heard of any boss
who does the purchasing.

Neither did l, but this one does.
He does.
You think I'd give money to those fools?
Don't lose your hanky.
What does it say here?
Just read it.
Is that whoring around?

Three cases of rum, 70 kilos of lamb,
500 eggs.
Is that whoring around?
Yes, it is.
All of Zvornik goes whoring at Koviljaca.
