Out of Africa

When you leave me,
I'm going to marry Berkeley Cole.

- A man in trade.
- Is that what he does?

He's thick with the Somalis.
There's a crowd of them on his land
who think he's a prince.

He sells
Finch Hatton's ivory.

Belknap is a cheery sort.
Had a place of his own.
Went belly up trying to grow flax.

- Does he know cattle?
- I didn't buy cattle.

We're going to grow
coffee instead.

That's not what we planned.
You were in Denmark.
I had to decide.

We made a decision.
We don't know anything
about coffee.

- You plant it, it grows.
- We said a dairy. My mother--

Your mother doesn't care if it's cows
or coffee as long as it pays.

You have to be with a herd
or things go wrong.

I didn't come to Africa
to sit with silly cows.

Just tell her we changed our minds.
Next time you change your mind...
you do it with your money.
They bought you a title, Baronessa.
They didn't buy me.

Fetch some wine
for my lover's brother.

I think you're tired.
Be careful.
Did I tell you
Hans came to say goodbye?
