Out of Africa

I've got time for tea,
I should think.

Are you for the Germans?
Did they send you out
to ask me this?

- We had a row about it in town.
- Because of my bad English.

And whose side were you on?
They want to send me home to school.
Mother says I'm growing up wild.

- I wanted to ask you about it.
- Me?

You've been round and about.
Someday, I'd like
to run my own show the way you do.

- Is that what I do?
- You don't seem to need us much.

Baroness, may I
ask you something?

I don't know much about men.
I want them to like me,
but I--

I want to be let alone too.
I'm supposed to want
to be taken, aren't I?

I've got this book.
But how do you know when to do
what they want you to...

and when not to?
I suppose you
ought to call me Karen.

They need paraffin and tinned food,
enough for 300 men.

He wants you to send a white man
with the wagon.

- Is he all right?
- Well enough to send the message.
