Good afternoon, Mrs. B.
Damn fool!
At least wait till the smoke clears.
We seem to need a few supplies.
All new camp, the way I hear it.
You've got sand, boy,
but less sense than a sack of beans.
We've got no choice.
They ruined McPherson's shack.
Busted some others.
If it snows, the children will get sick.
Go on!
I expect you'll pay for all of this
in gold, right?
When I put together a few ounces,
I'll bring them in.
It'll take more than that.
Throw me that ledger!
The last payment you made...
...was eight months ago,
when Lindquist brought his dust in.
There's no color left in Carbon Creek.
Then why is LaHood driving us out?
He ain't used to being said no to.
There's color and nuggets.
Spider panned one out this morning.
Spider Conway? I've got that
son of a bitch down for $85.33.
Forty-three cents.
He wants cyanide to bleach his dust.
That tears it!
Tell Spider...
...and the others that this is the end
of the line.
The tit's gone dry!
No more credit, you hear?
You're a decent man.
We're grateful for what you've done.
Don't coddle me! I ain't doing this for you.
I'm the only merchant in town
LaHood doesn't own.
It does my soul good
to see a few thorns in his side.
One day, when we strike it big,
I'll pay you off myself.
With interest, Mrs. B.
Just get your goods
in that wagon and skedaddle.
Keep moving no matter what they say.
You take care, Hull.