We got a beef with you.
When we rode through the canyon,
you didn't say hello.
Told you to stay out of town.
When I kicked your head,
it must've jarred your memory.
Kick him again, maybe it'll come back.
Tell us about your Wheeler women.
You humping just the growed one or both?
Probably both at the same time.
The little one is just out
of knickers, ain't she?
I'll bet she's as juicy as a freshwater clam.
What will make you fight like a man?
I didn't come here to fight.
Then you shouldn't have come.
You made a big mistake, tin pan.
You know that?
Can I take a look at your goods?
Leave them be.
Canvas, burlap and wood.
Looks like the makings of a good fire.
You shouldn't play with matches.