They blast a place to hell.
Excuse my French.
LaHood's more powerful now than ever.
Carbon Canyon's the only place
he hasn't ruined.
He's greedy for it, too.
Does he have any rights to your canyon?
No, our claims are filed in Sacramento.
The only way LaHood can take
this land legally is if we leave it.
I take it he's been kind of persuasive.
I don't care if they all leave, I'm staying.
He killed my dog and Grandpa.
Isn't there any law around
to take your case to?
If there was, LaHood would own them
like he owns everything.
And there's not much a lawman could do
even if we had one.
LaHood ain't killed anyone yet.
Meg's grandpa's heart gave out.
I've been taking care of Sarah
and Megan ever since.
It ain't that we're living in sin...
...or that I won't marry her.
But one day, a few years back,
her husband...
...Megan's father, lit out on her...
...and left her with a child.
And since then, getting her trustful
of a man hasn't been easy.
But when we do get hitched,
will you do it?
If you're waiting for a woman to make up
her mind, you may have a long wait.
Yeah, I guess so.
Meantime, why don't you put me to work?
No, I couldn't ask you to...
Maybe something spiritual.
That spirit ain't worth spit
without a little exercise. Tell me where.
Well, okay.
I always thought that
if I could split that rock there...
...and get to the gravel underneath,
there's gold been waiting there forever.
Every morning for two years,
I've been coming out here, and you see...