When I heard a parson had come to town...
...I had an image of a pale, scrawny,
Bible-thumping Easterner...
...with a linen handkerchief and bad lungs.
That's me.
Your health.
It occurred to me it must be difficult
for a man of faith...
...to carry the message
on an empty stomach, so to speak.
I thought...
...why not invite this devout
and humble man to preach in town?
Why not let the town be his parish?
In fact...
...why not build him a brand-new church?
I can see where a preacher'd be
mighty tempted by an offer like that.
Oh, indeed.
Then he'd be thinking about getting himself
a batch of new clothes.
We'd have them tailor-made.
Then he'd start thinking
about those Sunday collections.
Hell, in a town as rich as LaHood,
that preacher'd be a wealthy man.
That's why it wouldn't work.
Can't serve God and mammon both.
Mammon being money.
I opened this country.
I made this town what it is.
I brought jobs and industry.
I built an empire with my own two hands.
And I've never asked help of anyone.
Those squatters, Reverend,
are standing in the way of progress.
Theirs or yours?
Here, look. Just look at that writ!
Comes hot from Sacramento, giving me
mineral rights to the whole canyon.
That hardly seems likely. If you had
those rights, you'd have exercised them.