Is this the first time you've been sleepwalking?
Do you know what happened?
I can't remember anything.
My savior.
Are you american?
I am studying at the academy.
Where are you from?
I am from Scotland.
I came here as student and stayed to teach.
Then I had this accident.
I haven't moved since.
What do you teach?
Study insects.
Do insects interest you?
Yeah. A lot!
I love them.
You mean that?
Absolutely! Why?
You remind me of another girl.
Used to come here somtimes and help out.
Mostly secretarial work. And then...
She was supposed to come here one night.
She never arrived.
The killer got her?
How do you know about that?
I thought so.
You must be frozen, child.
She left a coat here.
It's upstairs.
Here, she'll show you were it is.