Maybe the wind.
That is the foehn, a very strange wind.
It is typical for this area here.
It comes from the south over the Alps.
Such a sudden blast of warm air
causes snow avalanches.
Makes the flowers grow,
the larvae of the insects develop faster.
And many complain about headaches.
When it blows, they say
it drives some people to madness.
This is a rather strange part of the country here.
This Swiss Transylvania.
Would someone please tell me
what this examination is all about?
What you did last night is highly irregular.
No student ever left the
boarding school at night before.
How many times do I have to tell you that
I did not leave school on purpose.
I walked in my sleep.
This can happen.
But this is not normal.
And it is our duty to find the reason for that.
But don't you understand?
You will find out nothing.
I've been examined by specialists before.
It is not an illness.
Not yet, but it could become more serious.
And you can't remember anything?
Sleepwalking is far more serious
than talking in the sleep, ...
...or ransacking the fridge.
It could even lead to a new personality trying to emerge.
Sometimes it is the first step on the path to schizophrenia.
So you think I'm crasy?
O.k., forget your EEG.
Calm down, calm down.
O.k., start it.
I will show you who is crazy.