You are in a position to do extraordinary things.
With that gift of you...
Come on, I want to show you something.
It is very interessant.
These were inside the glove.
The larvae of the great sarcophacus.
What a menacing name.
Apropriate to the insect that bears it.
It lives exclusivly of dead bodys.
The great sarcophacus?
A strange name.
It is capeable of picking up the scent
of a dead body over fast distances.
It's sensory reception is extraordinary, quite unique.
But why do the gloves have so many lavae?
Perhaps because when
the murderer hides his victims...
...he likes to keep in physical contact with them.
Conserving them.
He is a psycho.
If we need to get him, we have to call on the
services of 2 of the greatest detectives ever known.
Perhaps I should say unknown. - Up to now.
But this will change.
Who were they?
You and him: the great sarcophocus.
Spread your hand.