Poulet au vinaigre

What's the slut doing
in Switzerland?

So what?
The bastards are using
her money to ruin our lives!

She's one of them.
This blank paper...
What's it mean?
A private code?
I don't know. Weird!
I tell you she's a slut.
And her lover who signs

"Tristan"! What a name!
She gets his letters in
mail addressed to a friend.

Isn't that like a slut?
And to whom does "Tristan"
send his letters?

To another slut!
Anna Foscarie's a real one.
A real slut!
You can't deny that!

They were classmates.
So. Birds of a feather
flock together.

What's that? Naked women?
Photos of statues.
He copies them for
his garden.

Morasseau's the worst.
Is he a sculptor or a doctor?

They're crazy,
wicked people.

Stop ogling that!
You like Delphine Morasseau, huh?
Just your type.
You'll fall for
some bitch's smile.

Watch out!
A letter from the mayor
to Lavoisier:

"My dear friend,
"the Justice Department
can't help you evict

"the Cunos
"because the methods you plan
to use are illegal."

The vultures won't get a thing!
If your Dad were still here,
he'd burn down the town hall.

Sure, but he's been gone 12 years.
He let a floozies get
her hooks into him.
