Lavoisier found you a fine house.
It's true. You can move
in whenever you like.
Answer me, Louis.
You really are pigheaded.
Filiol's in a rage.
If we let him...
What's that?
A 1981 Châteauneuf du Pape.
You treat yourself right.
I broke your bottle.
I'm so sorry.
It must have cost a lot.
I've news that may change
your minds:
the Justice Department
has okayed your eviction.
It's just a matter
of days now.
You mustn't leave me alone
so much.
I've hardly been away.
They could've burned us out!
Carry me up!
It's Morasseau
we have to attack.
Seen him?
Well, have you?
No, I haven't seen him.
Where's the wine?
What wine?
The Châteauneuf.
There wasn't any.
I don't know wine.
I didn't dare pick one.
And the sugar?
I have it. Left it in the van.
I can't make jam
in the van.