Know what I think?
You put the sugar
in Filiol's gas tank.
You crazy?
What're you looking at?
It's just the lawyer and his wife.
And some guy.
He can afford
to come here every day.
Of what?
Then eat!
You didn't answer me.
Was Filiol your doing?
Listen, Henriette, I like you.
I'll tell you a secret.
Promise not to repeat it.
I watch them all.
Day and night.
They foul up, and wham!
And Morasseau.
The butcher too, before.
What do they want from you?
We don't know.
Kick us out of our house.
Tear down, build, who knows!
So I spy.
The bastards!
Him! I scratched up
his car one night.
No kidding!
And I once punctured 2
of Morasseau's tires.