I lost a lot of good men,
so I know what you and every vet feels.
Maybe the government and certain
segments of the population didn't care,
but my committee cares. - It needs
proof that Americans are there.
Then we'll get 'em back.
If there are any of our men at the POW
target camp, you're to take photos.
- Only photos. Under no circumstances
are you to engage the enemy.
- I'm supposed to leave them there?
I repeat:
Do not engage the enemy!
The assault team led by Colonel Trautman
will handle the extraction.
With your participation,
this mission has a better than average
chance of succeeding.
I'll meet you both
in the operations center in one hour.
From Thailand across Laos
into the mountains of Vietnam.
You'll be flying a ceiling
of 250 feet when you bail out.
Think you can handle it?
- I'll try.
Since you're going in solo, you'll have
to take more equipment than ever before.
And use it!
Don't try the blood-and-guts routine.
Let technology do most of the work.
Forget the war. Remember the mission.
The old Vietnam is dead.
Sir, I'm alive,
so it's still alive, isn't it?
You may find this hard
to believe, but all this is for you.
You'll get every modern piece of
equipment we have to ensure your safety.