I will retain a 30-man escort...
and the title and insignia
of Great Lord.
But the actual leadership...
lies entirely with Taro.
I expect all of you to obey!
I'll obey.
But what about me and Saburo?
What do you intend for us?
I give you, Jiro and Saburo...
the Second and Third Castles...
with their attendant lands.
You will support Taro...
in the First Castle.
I shall be your guest...
visiting each castle in turn...
living out my remaining years.
How hard it is to be old.
I would speak.
I respect your wishes...
and appreciate your trust...
but I get you to reconsider.
Though I am your eldest son...
I could never take your place.
It is too great a task.
I always pray to
the God of War...
"Let his life last 100 years..."
"even if it means
shaving a bit off mine."
What a pretty speech.
I cannot use such honeyed words.
I'd be embarrassed.
Don't be spiteful!
You mean Taro only flatters me?
Pay no attention to Saburo.
I feel the same as Taro.