I have news.
Saburo's men gave up the castle.
They went to join Lord Fujimaki.
Now Fujimaki's plot is clear.
First he takes Saburo...
then Saburo's warriors...
then your lordship himself.
The lchimonjis battle
each other.
And he walks off with your land.
That's a lie!
He's not that kind of man!
We must go to the Third Castle!
But Taro's general has taken it!
Ogura? He won't touch us.
What do I smell?
A very fishy stink!
Ogura has only a few men.
We can beat them easily.
My horse!
That's it, hurry!
"Hell is ever at hand..."
"which you cannot say
of Heaven."
Stay behind if you're afraid!
And yet...