The talisman's stolen.
All the priests massacred.
- We fought...
- Rest, Varna. Later we can talk.
There's no time. Listen.
The talisman has terrible power...
which grows in the light.
In 13 days it could destroy the world...
by storm and earthquake.
You must destroy the talisman, Sonja.
Send it into darkness. Swear that you will.
L swear.
Who took it?
L don't know.
There was a woman with a gold mask.
Where did they take it? North? South?
She's dead.
And the living have work to do.
Her work, my work, is no concern of yours.
- Who are you, anyway?
- My name is Kalidor.
L befriended your sister, remember?
L'm a friend of yours, too.
L thank you for what you did for my sister.
You will be rewarded.
L'm no mercenary. Nobody pays me.
If l think somebody owes me something,
l take it.