What happened?
Queen Gedren attacked us
is what happened.
Gedren? Queen Gedren?
That's right.
She knocked down half the city with her
new weapon and demanded our surrender.
My army ran away.
Do they want to live forever?
L refused to surrender.
So she knocked down the other half.
Falkon, since everyone is dead
or run away...
you shall escort me
to the mountains tomorrow.
L shall raise a new army...
and crush this upstart Gedren underfoot.
Where can l find her, this Queen Gedren?
In Burkubane, the land of eternal night.
How do l get there?
There's a long scenic way, and there's
the short way through Brytag's toll road.
L'll take Brytag's toll road.
Which way is that?
Straight north from here.
You can't miss it.
But it's worth a try.
Ask the woman
if she wishes to join my army.
We'll probably need a cook.
Your Highness is too kind,
but l travel alone.
Dismiss the woman, Falkon.
L shall dine in an hour.
May l give you a word of advice?
Put him over your knee
and beat some manners into him.
You wouldn't happen to have a tablecloth,
would you?