is still the duty of the High Lord.
You? The High Lord?
L was coming to the temple
to see the talisman destroyed...
when l found your sister dying...
and learnt that the talisman
had been stolen.
So she guided me to you.
Why didn't you tell me who you were?
You didn't seem to want a man's help.
But you needed it,
so that's why l followed you.
L had to be sure you reached the talisman.
L see.
L misunderstood.
L thought you had another reason.
L did.
No. L'm under a vow.
No man may have me
unless he has beaten me in a fair fight.
So the only man that can have you
is one who has tried to kill you.
That's logic.
If you yield only to a conqueror,
then prepare to be conquered.