You'll see. It's a great business.
I'll teach you.
I'm sorry. What are you drinking?
Let me buy you one.
A beer, please.
- No, I'll buy you one.
- Okay.
Not exactly talkative, are you?
It's fine by me.
I can't stand gabby girls.
More talk means less action.
Isn't that right?
Thanks for walking me home.
- Ask me up for a drink?
- I've got nothing in the house.
Don't lead me on.
And I've had enough to drink.
You know this guy?
What are you after?
Just shaking the hand
of the first sucker who came along.
Who do you think you are, you bastard?
Get out of here!
Why don't you fight back?
Fight back!
- Beat it!
- You stay out of this!
Take that.
- You asshole!
- Nobody talks that way to me!
Can't you see what you've done,
you bastard?
See what you've done?
Lean on me, Quentin.
- Let me help you.
- I said no!
I don't want anyone's help.