What am I doin'? I'm just gettin' dizzy.
My husband and I thank you for
coming to our training quarter today.
As you can see, it is highly advanced,
and we wish to show the American press
a small portion of the advances
our country has made
in the technology of human performance.
Coach Rimsky, what does this do
to enhance performance?
- Well...
- If I may answer.
It makes a man a better man,
a great athlete a superathlete,
by harnessing all his strength.
Though most of the world is
ignorant in body chemistry,
- we wish to... educate your country.
- There have been rumours of doping,
and widespread distribution of
anabolic steroids in the Soviet Union.
- Has Drago partaken in any experiments?
- No! lvan is naturally trained.
Then how do you explain
his... freakish strength?
Like your Popeye,
he ate his spinach every day.
- Shall we have a demonstration?
- Please do.
A normal heavyweight averages
700 pounds of pressure per square inch.
As you can see,
Drago averages 1850 pounds.
- So the result's quite obvious.
- And what results are those?
Whatever he hits, he destroys.
I've seen Drago fight when he was an
amateur. He's big and strong, but clumsy.
I know I can beat him.
- Why do you wanna fight again?
- Let's just say it's somethin' I believe in.
- You can do your homework.
- OK. Later, Dad. Later, Uncle Paulie.
- Later, Apollo.
- Later, big man.
See you later, kiddo.
Don't you think people are expectin'
- to see Rocky whack this bum out first?
- Yeah. And he will, when it's for real.
- This is an exhibition bout. Kids' stuff.
- What's the purpose?