Runaway Train

I could ask for a stay
during the appeal.

I can last nine more months.
I could stand on my head
nine months.

- How about I kick your brains in?
- Fuck you. Do it alone.

I don't dirty my hands
on scum like you.

I'm gonna let you out
in the yard.

And I hope you make a move so I can
stop your clock. That's a promise.

Yeah, a promise. You promised to keep me
in this hole the rest of my life.

Kept you in here for three years.
That's long enough for me, kid.

Whatever doesn't kill me
makes me stronger.

We'll see.
Please, try again...
and I'll send you out of here
in plastic.

You do what you have to do,
and I will too.

Whatever happens happens.
Call the machine shop.
Bring him to the yard!

That's your mama's fart hole.
The bitch is loud.
You're all punks hiding there,
yelling in the dark.

Let me tell you
where you assholes stand.

First, there's God...
then the warden...
then my guards...
then the dogs
out there in the kennel...

and finally you:
pieces of human waste--
no good to yourselves
or anybody else.
