Runaway Train

What did I do to deserve all this shit
you're slinging at me, man?

You don't know nothing from nothing.
Being around me is really stupid.

I'm at war with the world
and everybody in it.

And you're gonna get hurt.
- I don't get you, man.
- Well, rapos usually are pretty dumb.

I ain't no goddamn rapo, man!

Where'd you get that from?
It's on your rap sheet.
Busted for rape two years ago.

Shit, man!
That was a statutory rape.
She was 15
and I was older than her.

That's good.
What's wrong with you?
You dying for company?

What? You expect somebody
to be watching or something?

I expect nothing.
She's gaining speed real fast.
She'll hit your territory in no time.

- The brakes are burning up.
- Are you nuts?

- The brakes on the runaway burnt off.
- How in the fuck did that happen?

Didn't they check it?
The throttle must be jammed
wide open in run eight.

Oh, damn!
- There she goes.
- Oh, God, man. What are we gonna do?

I got a wife and two kids, man. I ain't
got no money like Michael Jackson.

- Calm down. The system is foolproof.
- I need money. Shit!

Why? Because you designed it?
That I did, my boy.
And I know how to use it.

Now let me show you.
