You'll send him to school?
We'll see later
His daddy delivered him
He'll teach him
He has a master's in philosophy
You do?
Then what're you doing here?
Back to the land
That's what I'd like too.
To have a piece of land of my own
grow potatoes
Working the land's no joke
Got to be there when it needs you
If you want a potato field
I offer you all this land
from the cypresses
up to the fruit trees
Plenty of space to plant potatoes
I'll never manage
I'll give you a hand
I'll plow it and harrow it for you
And you can plant it
I gave you a mattress.
There's a stove, you'll be OK
You can sell cheese if people come
That way, we'll have
more privacy too
Know how to ride?
This is better!
You 3 and the herd is a crowd
I'm not used to that