Sans toit ni loi

Mona! Are you sleeping?
Look, I knocked at noon!
This can't go on

You sleep all the time.
We work all the time

It's not fair. And it's dirty here
Cigarette butts and burns,
not good

Don't get so pissed off
You're a pain!
Come out, we've got to talk

But what do you want?
You don't want anything
We give you land,
you don't touch it

-Your head's empty.
-Gotta have something in it?

I gotta be a shepherd?
You're not the only dropout

You're no dropout, you're just out.
You don't exist

Fuck your philosophy
You live in filth like me!
Only you work more

If I'd studied,
I wouldn't live like you

I hated being a secretary
I quit those bosses but not
to find another boss on the road

You've read too much trash
You're a dreamer
