He's a young fella about my size.
Wear's a fancy two-gun rig ...
I know where that gentleman is.
Now, I want everyone
to behave himself.
- Howdy, Jake.
- I'm glad to see you.
Back. Thank you.
- What's going on here?
- You got me. This is a crazy town.
We ought to just get out of here.
- All I did was kiss a girl.
- Is that why you're in jail?
I kissed a girl
and this guy didn't like it.
We had some words,
so I decided to get out of there.
I got out of there.
You know me. I don't want trouble.
I walked out in the street and this
fella tried to shoot me in the back.
- Did you have to kill him?
- No, I winged him.
You're in here for winging a guy?
No, not exactly.
His friend opened up on me.
- Which friend was that?
- The dead one.
Jake ...
Was it self-defence?
Honest to God,
he would have killed me.
The jury saw it differently.
- You're going to hang him?
- Tomorrow morning at 1 0 o'clock.
- Emmett, can't you help me?
- You know the law, Jake.