
Cobb's using me to stop you.
So good people are being hurt
because of me.

That makes me mad.
Some people think because they're
stronger they can push you around.

I've seen a lot of that,
but it's only true if you let it be.

The world is what you make of it.
I like your attitude,
but it can be risky.

I'm ready for that. What about you?
I don't want you to get hurt.
He can't hurt me if he's dead.
Stella, come quick.
She sprung her brother
all by herself.

- He brought her here.
- Where did he go?

I told him about Jake and the boy,
and he went off after Emmett.

Go get Doc Skinner
and bring him to the shed.

Pick her up.
I've got a place to hide her.

You'd better get in there with her
until this is over.
