if anything happens to him,
my people will be angry.
to die in battle
is glorious.
to die in a tent
is disgrace.
and with that, I give you
dr. Julius Greenbaum.
thank you, doctor.
I'll just step out
for a smoke.
I'll stay here.
today we'll be removing
the patient's appendix.
the first step in an operation
of this particular type is...
to shave the patient.
nah, forget it,
forget it.
we'll skip the shave
and go to the operation.
the second step
in this operation is...
but can't you tell
he's already been given
the required injection
of pentothal?
of course.
he's already been given
the required... injections.
all right. let us begin
the operation.
thank you, doctor.
and now,
the first incision.
isn't that incision
a bit high