they just moved it
in here.
haven't even put up
their locator beacon.
means they're not hooked
into Soviet defense.
they are radio-isolated.
only 3 men.
and their mother.
let me see that.
come on!
you two
are unbelievable!
wait a minute.
what are we doing here?
this is our final objective.
our project orders
are to subdue the crew
and seize control
of this emplacement.
hold it, sister. we're
not going near that thing.
that missile has
a 40-megaton nuclear warhead.
good night,
where are you going?
for once, I'm in
complete agreement.
we should get up and
leave immediately.
those things can suck
the paint off your house
and give your family
a permanent orange afro.
I don't what you two do,
but I'm fulfilling
my obligation.
I intend to go down there
and seize control
of that emplacement,
alone if I have to.
you know we'd do
anything for you,
but we can't
seize that rocket.
we'd have to kill
everybody down there.
I'm not
killing anybody.
I'm not, either.
gentlemen, I think
you both should realize
the gravity
of this moment.
I've spent the last
2 1/2 years of my life
preparing for
this penetration.
this afternoon, I buried
my partner Jerry Hadley,
perhaps the finest,
most dedicated GLG-20
in the history
of the service.
he is now entombed
in a snowy grave,
and it's not gonna be
for nothing.
we are here today
to guarantee