-When did he call back?
-About 4:00 in the morning.
-He didn't say anything about money?
He said he'd return
your papers...
...but first he wanted
to see you. Alone.
So, what the hell are you doing here?
How can anyone live
in a dump like this, huh?
There's never any sun.
I mean, this is really the pits.
But a little light works wonders
even here, huh?
Cleans out the pipes.
Get a load of that outfit!
See if you can find
something in there.
You can't go around like that.
You look like a tourist.
-Mrs. Good morning.
I'd like to speak
to Captain Gesberg.
-May I ask what about?
-It's personal.
He's not here at the moment,
but he'll be back soon.
-Would you like to wait in his office?
-Yes. Thanks.
-You're up already?
-That jacket looks great on you.
-Think so?
Yeah, really.
Listen, you might be interested
in a deal I have in mind.
-Let's get some coffee first.