Look who just woke up!
Every Friday night at 7:00,
two guys from security...
...leave the cashier's office and take
the subway to the next station.
Nothing we can do once they're there.
But on the platform here they have
to wait two minutes for the train.
That's when we can get them.
You pull a gun on them...
...you grab the dough
and run into the tunnel.
Going to the surface is easy.
I know the subway by heart.
So, what do you think?
We can't miss with a plan like that.
Give it a rest, huh?
You got a gun?
Let's see.
Three bullets.
Be careful, eh?
Now you know what it's like to say
"Don't move or I'll shoot."
Don't move.
-Keep still.
-That's enough.
You're afraid? Me too. I'm afraid
it might go off on its own.
I have sweaty hands.
It'd be too bad if my finger slipped.
Stop screwing around!